Exploring the Internet

Viewing pages
Viewing pages with frames
Using Internet ratings
Going to a specific place or page
Searching for a specific place or page
Seeing where you've been
Returning to the home page
Returning to the search page
Tips for viewing and organizing pages

To view a page

  1. Click a hyperlink. Hyperlinks to other pages might be graphical images with colored borders or colored text (usually underlined). The mouse pointer changes to a hand when you move the mouse over a hyperlink.
  2. To return to the previous page, choose Back on the Go menu.
  3. To go to the next page, choose Forward on the Go menu.

Related Topics
Tips for viewing and organizing pages
Viewing pages with frames
Viewing pages (troubleshooting)

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To view pages with frames

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Click the Web Content tab.
  3. Make sure Show Frames is selected.
  4. On the View menu, choose Refresh.


Related Topics
Creating a collection of your favorite pages
Organizing your favorite pages
Tips for viewing and organizing pages
Viewing pages

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To use the Internet Ratings system

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Click the Ratings tab.
  3. Make sure the Enabled button is selected.
  4. If you have never set Internet ratings, click Change Password.
  5. Type a new password. By default, no password is provided.
  6. Confirm your new password by typing it again.
  7. Click Add Service.
  8. Locate and select rsac.rat to use the Recreational Software Advisory Council rating service, or safesurf.rat to use the SafeSurf rating service
  9. Choose a category and rating level. A description of the selected rating is provided.


Related Topic
New Features: Internet Ratings Support

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To go to a specific place or page on the Internet

  1. From the File menu, choose Open Location.
  2. Type the address, and then click Open.
Tip Related Topics
Adding a link to the Favorites Bar

To go to a specific place or page on your hard disk

  1. From the File menu, choose Open File.
  2. On the Show pull-down menu, choose the type of file you want.
  3. Find the file you want to open, and then click Open.


Related Topic
Tips for viewing and organizing pages

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To search for a place or page


Related Topic
Returning to the search page

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To see where you've been

  1. Click and hold on the Go menu. The pages you viewed are at the bottom of the menu. You can go to a page by choosing it from the Go menu.
  2. For more options, on the Go menu, choose Open History.


Related Topics
Creating a collection of your favorite pages
Changing cache options

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To return to the home page


Related Topics
Viewing pages
Going to a specific place or page
Changing your home page.

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To return to the search page


Related Topics
Changing your search page.
Viewing pages
Going to a specific place or page

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Tips for viewing and organizing pages

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